Book Publishing & Book Promotion
Contento International Publishing House is a leading publishing company that uses traditional and digital media in advertising, marketing, and distributing unique quality content all over the world.
Whether it is a book or a digital PR video, Contento believes in building a dialogue with each client to get the most professional, precise and fruitful results.
Over the past quarter-century, Netanel Semrik – Contento's founder, CEO – has been publicizing the personal stories of people all over the world on radio, television, the Internet and in printed media. Semrik began his professional career as a journalist and editor at Galei Tzahal (Israel Army Radio) and later worked as an editor and producer for successful Israeli television programs, including the acclaimed investigative program Uvda (Fact). In 2001, Semrik founded Contento de Semrik International Publishing House.
In addition to its production and marketing staff, Contento employs an expert team of international translators, editors and ghost writers in more than 10 different languages. Contento publishes hundreds of best-selling titles in English, Spanish, Chinese, Hebrew, French, German, Russian, Portuguese and Arabic. Contento regularly promotes its products around the world, forming new and lasting relationships with major international distributers and publishers at prestigious international book fairs in cities such as London, Frankfurt, Beijing and Jerusalem. Additionally, all of Contento's books can be found, in a number of different languages, on Amazon’s websites. There, Contento's titles are regularly ranked among the 100 top best-selling books in their respective categories.
Contento also produces a popular TV program, called Yashar LaLev (Straight to the Heart), which is broadcast daily on Israel's Channel 2. On Yashar LaLev, people from all sorts of backgrounds reflect on their own unique life-changing stories, experiences and interests.
Contento is eager to meet new people, listen to their stories and help them to find the right avenue to bring their stories and experiences to the world.
Netanel Semrik
Founder, CEO
Contento International Publishing House