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This is the story of Tana Stern, of the Chan family, who as a young girl, almost a baby, is broken and abandoned in postwar Europe.

It begins with a simple search for the mother who raised Tana during the war. Piece by piece, thread by thread, a partial story of her life comes

together over the years. [...]




Title: The Girl from the Celler

Author:  Tana Stern

Page Count: 229

International Publisher & Distributor & Agent: Contento 

ISBN: 978-965-550-427-9

Soft cover price: 24$

Special price: 19$

Book Description

This is the story of Tana Stern, of the Chan family, who as a young girl, almost a baby, is broken and abandoned in postwar Europe.

It begins with a simple search for the mother who raised Tana during the war. Piece by piece, thread by thread, a partial story of her life comes together over the years.

Page after page, Tana’s voice is heard telling us her unbelievable story, and we identify with the baby, the little girl and the young woman. She remains optimistic throughout.

We are bound to remember and not to forget! I remember, I remember it all; I raise a prayer in my heart, that my story will inspire hope in your hearts as well…

More than anything, I want to send a message to my readers: a message of hope, of determination, of constancy for all those who are still wondering or searching in the dark for their past: never fear to

ask questions. Never fear to tell the truth, as awful as it might be; it is better that it be said than hidden as the deepest of secrets…

If we but agree to speak up and to speak out, to share and to inquire, we can fill more and more pages which have been empty up until now.

We can add to the massive narrative of this period of enormity and horror, and we thus may memorialize our loved ones.

But the story is not over. There are two important figures in Tana’s life yet to be found: her father Moritz Brunner, whose family and potential offspring she still hopes to find; and her big brother

Joseph, who would be in his 90’s, perhaps with a family of his own.

About the Author

Tana Stern



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