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Everyone has a personal journey to take. Each life is unique in its presence, role and purpose. The Inner Journey offers a proven and powerful model that helps readers to methodically identify the personal journey that lies ahead. [...]





Title: The Inner Journey

Author: Ilana Weibel

Page Count: 216

International Publisher & Distributor & Agent: Contento 

ISBN: 978-965-7450-82-6

Soft cover price: 13.50$

Special price: 11$


Book Description

“‘John Doe’ wakes up in a hospital bed with no knowledge of who he is, where he has been or what he is supposed to do next. With the help of SHET – the strangely allusive and mischievous ‘God Maker’ who changes forms as he wishes, who can be seen sometimes but more often can only be heard, John embarks on a six day journey of self-discovery that forces the protagonist and the book’s readers to look within to ponder life’s most complex and profound questions: who am I? Who or what is God? and much more.


About the Author

Ilana Weibel


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